Portrait with Natalie Brasington
Description: A young woman wearing scrubs and a doctor's coat sits on an examination table. She holds an ultrasound device to her chest. The scans on the wall display and the images on her monitor depict silhouettes of people engaged in positive interactions.
Portrait with Zachary Maxwell Stertz
“My name is Tishana, I’m 19 years old and I’m from Brooklyn, New York. I like to go to school. I’m interested in outreach work with youth.
What I like about outreach work is that it can be involved with youth and older people. It’s a way for, no matter the age group, to get together and solve one problem.
Well now that I am a youth facilitator, I’m proud that the kids at my job really look up to me and ask me questions. They confide in me as a role model and I’m really thankful for that.
My idealistic job is to become a therapist or a social worker as well as staying with the work I’m doing now with teenagers and adolescents. But. my realistic job, which involves college, I think I might want to become a radiologist or a sonographer. I’m just really interested in pregnant people, and I don’t know why, but I’d like to help them.
I think that, the kids at my job, would say that I’m really down to earth. I don't make it seem as though I’m older than you, so you have to listen to me. I like to be leveled and connect with people no matter what and I like to joke around and make people feel as comfortable as possible. I think they’ll say that and that I’m always smiling.
If I could wake up tomorrow and be in my ideal world. That’d be great. I’d have my own business that helps kids talk about whatever is on their mind, how to focus toward college, and making their dreams realistic.
Another one of my businesses would be selling makeup products and creating my own makeup line.”
New York, 2017